Thursday, February 7, 2008

Google docs

Google docs is great! I can definitely see how this would be useful to someone working with a group of other people on a project. It would also be useful to use if you need to work on a project away from your computer, or if you want to work on the same document both at work and at home. When I was in college, I would often begin a paper at the library computer lab and then work on it again at home and then maybe finish it the next day at a different computer in the lab. In order to do this, I had to keep on e-mailing the draft to myself. And if I forgot to e-mail it to myself when I was done working on it, I would lose all the work that I had done during that sitting. It got complicated because I would have multiple drafts floating around in my inbox, and I had to make sure that the draft I was working on was the current draft, and that the draft that I printed out to turn in was the final draft. If I had only known about Google docs at the time, things would have been so much simpler!

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